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The Northern kingdom:
The Northern Kingdom was the first known kingdom formed in this land. They are led by the fearsome King Shi Yuan, whose name is feared by many. He is skilled in martial arts. His proud ancestor is Hundai Funyuan, who was the most skilled archer of his time. He could fire an arrow while riding, and slay an enemy 500 meters away, or so the stories say… These warriors are sworn enemies of the Holy Council, and their greatest nemesis. The armies in the north are great in both numbers, skills, and equipment.
The Holy Council:
They were formed ten years after the Northern Kingdom, and they were formed to fight them. Their armies vary, from the noble lance-wielding knights, to the forceful infantry, equipped with steel longswords and heavy shields, all of them ready to unite against the threat in their way. The founder of this great nation is unknown, but some say he is immortal, and still roams these lands. The reason for their war against the Northern Kingdom is also shrouded in mystery. The wise ones think that either The Founder or Hundai Funyuan started it. The Great Elder is their leader now, and he is known to be the only one to face the Black legion and live to tell the tale.
The Barbarians of the South:
They are the bravest and most feared warriors. They were united by Balrog, about 50 years after the rise of the Holy Council. He slaughtered thousands of men of the Council and the Northerns, until he met his doom at the hands of the Holy Council, and before they cut his head off, his last words to his people were "Kill". After many years of defeat and death, the barbarians are once more at their peak, at the leadership of Balthasar the Great, the direct heir of Bashgog. He has awoke his dormant people, and once again they sweep the lands with fear and terror. The Barbarians prefer to have no clothes on and use the skulls of their enemies to make a headgear, this caused their enemies to tremble in fear.
The Fenin Kingdom:
They are the youngest nation that has arisen to power. They were once a peaceful tribe of nomads, with no interest in fighting or war. But they were conquered by the Holy Council, who considered them primitives, only good for hard labor. But they were wrong. In secret, the conquered people planned their rise, and no sign of rebellion was shown for years, and the Council lowered their guard, which proved fatal. Once they were ready, the man of Fenin arose against their slavers, and formed a rebel kingdom, with Sargon as their leader. In the years of their struggle, they became famous for their archers, superior to those of other nations, and their spearmen, which make the bulk of their infantry.
The Black Legion:
They are mysterious cultists, whose leader is unknown, as is their reason for war. They caused much destruction throughout the land, and no one who has met them lived. All except one. One man survived the fight the Holy Council put up once against the Legion, and he was later made their leader, The Great Elder. These black knights will do anything to destroy, kill, and annihilate all living things, and their massive assault will begin soon.
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Северное Королевство
Первое известное королевство в этих землях. Его лидер корль Ши Юан. Он искушен в боевых искусствах. Его предок Хендай Фуньян – был самым знаменитым лучником своего времени. Он мог двигаясь на коне поразить врага с 500 метров, ну по крайней мере так говорится в легендах… Эти воины заклятые враги Святого Совета. Северная армия хорошо экипирована и обучена.
Святой Совет
Был основан спустя 10 лет после основания Северного Королевства, как противовес ему. Их армия многолика: от конных рыцарей до пеших воинов. Основатель неизвестен, но говорят, он бессмертен и до сих пор бродит по материку. Причина их ненвисти к Северному Королевству также покрыта мраком.. Великий Старейшина сейчас их лидер, и похоже он единственный, кто сможет дать отпор Темному Легиону и остаться живым, чтб рассказать затем об этом.
Варвары Юга
Смелые воины. Были объединены Балрогом спустя полвека после основания Святого Совета. Он убил тысячи северян и людей Света прежде чем нашел свою смерть т их рук. И даже умирая сказал единственное слово своим людям «Убивайте». Через много лет после его смерти варвары вновь обрели силу, ведомые потомком Балрога Балтазаром. Варвары предпочитаю не носить одежду и делают головные уборы из черепов своих врагов, наводя на тех ужас.
Королевство Фенин
Самое молодое государство. Когда-то были племенем мирных кочевников. Но были завоеваны Святым Советом, считавших их примитивными и годными только для рабского труда. Но они ошибались. Покоренный народ долго готовил восстание и когда спустя годы поработители меньше всего этого ждали, те нанесли удар. После чего основали свое королевство, управляет которым Саргон. Эти люди превосходные стрелки из лука, также известны своими стойкими копейщиками, составляющими становой хребет армии.
Темный Легион
Это загадочные мистики, их лидер неизвестен, как и сила двигающая их на войну. Они сражаются против всего живого. После встречи с ними выжил всего один человек. Впоследствии он стал известен как Великий Старейшина, основатель Святого Совета. Рыцари темного скоро продолжат свое дело истребления всего живого.