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Hi all,
EiC v1.2 has been a long time in development. It has taken so long due to a number of factors, most obviously a re-vamp of all unit stats. We have aimed to make the stats much clearer and easier to understand. Every unit has been carefully looked at and given stats that help to define it's role on the battlefield and make it much easier on you to decide where and when to recruit and use different unit classes. The stats are also based on our historical research and, as such, each faction and unit plays as we intended much better than in v1.1. The quickest, and simplest, way for you to learn how these stats will play is to read the Historical Research and Reading on the faction of your choice - we are very confident that they play as the research suggests.
Another factor that has taken us time is gameplay balancing - we haven't just applied these stats and published the material. We have tested and balanced them so that they not only play as they should historically, but so that they are simply fun to play
The changelog below is pretty extensive. We are looking forward to hearing how everyone finds the new stats, as well as the new features and submods. Enjoy!
General Changes And Updates:
Unit stats
Light Infantry have been promoted as a support unit. Previously, a line unit would too often have to support the light infantry. Light infantry now move much more efficiently across the battlefield, and have suitable defence skills. They can now take care of themselves.
Militia have been re-looked at. Too often they were used as cheap cannon fodder. They are now emphasised as the correct unit for dealing with unrest. They have few movement points, little ammo and provide a garrison policing bonus.
Light cavalry have also been looked at. They are now suitable scouts, with more campaign map movement points than other cavalry. The recruitment order has also been fixed - it is now Heavy Cavalry at low level buildings, and Light Cavalry at high level buildings.
Fort wall hitpoints have been reduced. Siege guns are still helpful at sieges, but not a necessity. Normal guns can take the walls down well before you've fallen asleep now
Siege infantry (Sappers, Forlorn Hope etc) have had a unit size increase. They were slightly under-sized previously.
AI tendancy to recruit Militia units has been reduced. There should be less AI Militia spam now.
Musket ranges have been adjusted. They are now longer than in vanilla. They are now 110 for Line infantry, 120 for lights and 150 for rifles. this has been proven in tests to aid the AI, as well as improving the general feel of gameplay.
Technology trading has been removed completely, as there was no way to stop the AI trading faction-specific techs. This is also historically accurate - technology sharing as the game presents it was rarely done. This also helps to promote the role of agents. Technological ideas got around much faster due to spying in the Napoleonic period.
Morale effects have been rebalanced - they were slightly out of tune over the last few releases.
Heavy cavalry are now recruitable at lower-level buildings.
Minimod Changes and Updates:
New minimod: - No Campaign map Borders. This removes all visual borders from campaign minimaps, and from the actual map itself. This makes the game feel much more dynamic and even challenging. I highly recommend this one! Big Thanks to Josst for suggesting some of the changes in this
New minimod: - Smaller Artillery Sizes. This lowers the size of all artillery units in game. It must be placed at the very top of the Mod Manager list for it to work!
Graphics Mod Update: The graphics mod now contains historically accurate ship colours and a much improved ship damage graphic, as explained below.
MP Optimized pack available - This pack is no different to the core files except that it has a different name in the Mod Manager list. This should make MP games much easier to set up. Submods can still be used, this just makes things a little easier
AOR Changes and Improvements:
Many AOR units have had their abilities reviewed. Many units did not have the abilities corresponding to their class - this issue has been completely fixed, so no more line infantry units that can't form square
All AOR pricings, stats and recruitment limits have been revised. The now reflect their recruitment location and ability (both in gameplay terms and historical terms) much more accurately than portrayed in v1.1.
Bug Fixes:
AOR units can now be recruited from Paris.
Militia bug fixed - militia can now disband; strange campaign map behaviour of militia eradicated. They no longer spawn at sieges, this may be re-introduced in the future.
Certain artillery units with insufficient crew members have had their crew augmented. Cannons falling apart as soon as they are limbered should no longer be seen.
Economic Changes:
Economic values have been bumped across the board. There is now much more flexibility with money, but still the challenge remains (keep an eye on the tech tree!). Difficulty also plays a larger role in economics.
AI has less of an economic advantage at higher difficulties - play should now be more balanced.
Musket Manufactories have been given a bonus boost - they are now more valuable to the player.
Naval Changelog:
Merchantman hull strength reduced to vanilla values. It is expected to be less hard match for frigates now.
New ship texture distribution, yellow and black for all faction combat ships. Except Santísima Trinidad that keeps the red. It is a much more historical colour distribution.
New damage effect included in new ship texture distribution. Damage is represented by round holes, no big plank destruction any more.
France can build 106 and 106 with carronades and Great Britain can build 122 with carronades in drydocks.
Limit to the big ships has been given. For 122 you can build now only 2, 122 with carronades 2, 106 you can build 7 and 106 with carronades 3.
Also we have increased the ship building slots in naval buildings. So now you can build 3 ships at a time in first level of naval buildings, 6 ships in second level and 8 ships in third level. This way if you have the money you will be able to recruit more ships simultaneously.
We have changed the naval deployments zones for custom and campaign battles so ships can start much nearer, so you do not have to wait much until the combat starts unless you modify the distance before the battle starts.
We have changed the stats related to AI campaign behaviour so the AI will tends to create bigger and stronger fleets and we have encourage its repair behaviour.
The naval mortar and rocket damage has been reduced.