In the first half of the 13th century in Rus was more than a dozen principalities, but the strongest were four Volyn, Smolensk, Chernigov and Vladimir-Suzdal.
In Novgorod from 1231 were invited by the princes of Vladimir-Suzdal principality. In Pskov, to the year 1242 ruled invited princes of Smolensk principality.
During the Kiev throne fought all four of the strongest principalities of Rus Volyn, Smolensk, Chernigov and Vladimir-Suzdal.
1212-1236 Kiev ruled Smolensk princes
1236-1238 Kiev rules Jarosłav Wsiewołodovichz knyaz of Vladimir-Suzdal principality
1238-1239 Kiev ruled Chernigov knyaz Michał I Wsiewołodovichz
1239 Knyaz Rostislav of Smolensk principality
1240 Daniel I Romanowicz of Volhynia
For Galitsky throne in the years 1230-1233 there was a struggle between the Volyn knyaz Daniel I Romanovichz and Hungarian Prince Andrew
1235-1238 Galich ruled Chernigov knyaz Michał I Wsiewołodovichz
1238-1264 Galich ruled Volyn knyaz Daniel I Romanovichz
Pereyaslavl principality until 1230 ruled by the knyaz of Vladimir-Suzdal principality. After 1230 it is unknown, perhaps the prince of Vladimir-Suzdal principality and Chernigov.
Map of Rus 1230-1235
Green - Vladimir-Suzdal princes Yurevichi
Pink - Smolensk princes, Rostislavichi
Yellow - Chernigov princes, Olegovichi and related Ryazan princes
Red - Volyn princes, Izyaslavichi
Сообщение отредактировал Anri: 08 Январь 2017 - 18:11